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Is it possible to have a website background color that is full width, while having a different background color that only is boxed?



New Member
Basically what the title says - I am essentially wanting a white background that is only the width of my boxed content, and a different color background beyond the boxed content that will only be seen if the browser in question is really wide.

I tried changing my overall site background to one color, and then using Elementor change the color of particular sections a different color using the 'boxed width' setting thinking this would work, but the color chosen in this manner was still showing up the full width. Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Yeah, this is quite simple

if you click on the little menu in the top left of the page (above the word Elements) and then click into Site Settings, you'll find a settings menu with the option to change the background. Once this is done then just make sure every addition piece of boxed content, just adjust to have your required background.

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