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multi site support



New Member
There are a number of management products that allow you to support a number of sites from a single WP dashboard I am using Basic Elementor (I may go pro later)of these management tools what products are compatable with say three sites built with elementor
(I should add they are all on my own separate domains -)
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Mick Viller

Mick Viller

New Member
Hey I'm not quite sure what you are asking.

Are you talking about plugins that allow you to update all your sites in one place, or are you wanting to build out a WordPress Multi site?



New Member
I am using WP as a scaffold with a basic theme and then work in elementor with a elementor canvas and minimal plugins I have completed one site and want to develop another that at the moment is basic html once they are both running and I feel proficient I may well get pro
can I change my site title, tag line, wordpress address and site address in WP general settings backwards and forwards and maintain one site and develop the other?


New Member
I have a multisite installation with domain mapping done successfully using WPMU DEV plugin ( Domain Mapping ). However, my issue is with elementor. Elementor works very well on all the mapped domains in the multisite but fails to load ( despite all debugging efforts and safe mode turned on, other themes and plugins disabled as well ) only on the base domain.
That is, the multisite base domain is and elementor fails to load on it. However, it loads very well and functions normally on all other subsites ( mapped domains ) in the network. Please, I need help. What could be wrong? How do I fix this?
Thank you


New Member
I've found the solution to this. I discovered it had to do with the incomplete SSL encryption activated on the domain name via cloudflare. Before this problem, I was using FLEXIBLE SSL which means that traffic from browser to cloudflare is encrypted while the traffic from cloudflare to site server is not encrypted. This behavior makes elementor to break and fail to load.

I switched the SSL to full encryption so that all traffic is encrypted and the problem is solved. Now elementor loads normally.

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