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How to dynamically set options in radio/select/checkbox form fields from ACF custom field ?



New Member

I'm setting up a form in an Elementor template and I'd like to populate the "choices" setting with values retrieved from an ACF custom field. I have tried to use the "dynamic" button and pointed the value to a "text area" custom field containing all the options. This doesn't work.

So, I don't know how to proceed. Which type of ACF custom field should I use ? How should I retrieve its contents to automatically populate the options field of my radio form field ?

Thanks very much in advance.



New Member

I eventually found a solution. Let's assume that you want to dynamically retrieve the option values for a generic option named MyOption. The option values can be found in custom fields named my_choice1, my_choice2 and my_choice3. Here is the code for a replacement of the "Select" type.

add_filter('elementor_pro/forms/field_types', function ($types){$types['my_option'] = "MyOption"; return $types; }); add_filter('elementor_pro/forms/render/item/my_option', function ($item, $item_index, $instance){$id = get_the_id(); $states = [ get_post_meta( $id, 'my_choice1', true ),get_post_meta( $id, 'my_choice2', true ),get_post_meta( $id, 'my_choice3', true ),]; $field_options = []; foreach ($states as $val){if ($val != ''){$field_options[] = $val; } } $item['field_options'] = implode("\n", $field_options); $item['field_type'] = "select"; return $item; },99,3);

Elementor should take this into account, though.

Works fine for me. Hope this helps.



New Member
Hello, it works fine. Thank you Samoreen. What if I would like to add 2 custom options?
For example: MySelect1, MySelect2

Please help me if you can :)
Thank you!

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