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Question Form Widget | Mobile Usability



New Member
Hey Guys,

I am new to this forum and I hope I am doing everything right and posting this to the right place. If not.. I am really sorry!

I built a multi step form and it works great on desktop. On mobile view I have the common issues:

  1. When I click on any field, the browser starts zooming in to that field and show up the keyboard. So the multi step form itself no longer fits to the screen. This also causes an issue that my text is no longer visible on the screen and one has to scroll to the right. It looks like a responsive mistake and design issue. Is the a way to fix this? So to tell the browser (safari maybe others) not to zoom in while the keyboard is showing up? After finishing the form, the zoom in stays till I refreshed the page.
  2. The added a date field shows the appearing date picker on desktop version in english. And the selected date format is: y/m/d
  3. On Mobile the date picker is in german and the selected date format in d/m/y.
  4. Never the less, the e-mail sent to me shows the format in date format: y/m/d no matter where I set it (mobile or desktop).
This really drives me crazy. Hope you guys can help me.

Best regards from Germany,

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